Monday, July 23, 2007

Wiki Convert in the Making...

So I was in the Wiki = BAD camp for a long time. The reasons for this vary from it being told to us repeatedly that wiki is bad to my own bad experiences with wikipedia. A few of my students would tell me things about how they would make up stuff on wikipedia (like them being a future NHL prospect or changing entries to only their names). I started to waver when I did a little when I saw that wikis and blogs were being used for classes. Also I found a few really good explainations for math stuff on wikipedia like a great illustration of Cavalieri's Principle (which when I linked to it in class, I was screamed at by 25 tenth graders that wikipedia is not a good source of info). After reading the Library Garden blog post and the NY Times article about wikis, I continue to see the possibilities of using wikis for classrooms and as a reliable place to get information. It is a little weird to be thinking that some of the current event information is coming from people not necessarily even out of high school, but then again I do not trust much of what I read in my local paper as it really stinks for local news. I also like the point in the Library Garden blog post that since a wiki is in the public domain one would hope to put forth one's best effort.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

thanks for commenting on the Library Garden Blog. I went back to look at it again and followed more links to see pros and cons.